Mastering the Apron Niche: Rising to the #1 rank on Amazon


Discounted Cleaning Supplies


Amazon Sponsored Ads
Amazon Listing Optimisation



Introducing the Brand:

Our valued client, Discounted Cleaning Supplies, specializes in offering a diverse range of home and kitchen products on Amazon UK. Their journey with NAYF Ads has been nothing short of remarkable, marked by the attainment of multiple Amazon Best Seller badges. In this case study, we will delve into how we transformed their Apron product into the undisputed #1 Best Seller on Amazon within a mere 90 days.

The Challenge:

Discounted Cleaning Supplies faced a dual challenge. Firstly, their product suffered from suboptimal listing optimization, and their advertising campaign structure lacked efficiency. Amazon struggled to index the product effectively within its category due to a paucity of relevant data. Moreover, the product's listing conversion rate was far from its full potential, owing to subpar optimization.

Our Approach:

NAYF Ads embarked on this transformative project in August 2023, armed with a strategic plan:

  1. We undertook a comprehensive overhaul of the listing, including the title, bullet points, product description, and EBC Aplus content. Our focus was on aligning these elements with a meticulously crafted keyword strategy.
  2. We reconstructed the advertising campaign, designed for more precise spending and data acquisition. The harvested data was instrumental in maintaining top-category rankings, all while keeping the cost per click low.

The Outcome:

Within a mere 90 days of implementing these optimizations, NAYF Ads achieved an extraordinary feat. We catapulted the product's ranking from a humbling #1000+ to an awe-inspiring #1. As a direct result, the client experienced a substantial 32% increase in revenue over just eight weeks. Simultaneously, the client's Advertising Cost of Sale (ACOS) plummeted, thanks to more efficient spending. The product now proudly sports both the Amazon 'Best Seller' badge and the coveted 'Amazon's Choice' badge, endowing it with a formidable competitive edge within its category.

At NAYF Ads, we not only deliver results; we redefine excellence in Amazon advertising. This case study stands as a testament to our expertise and commitment to helping our clients reach unparalleled heights on the Amazon platform. Trust us to transform your brand's Amazon presence and lead it towards a path of unprecedented success.

#1 Best Seller In the Aprons category
Sales Rank Dropped from #1,000+ to #1 in weeks!

Optimised listing copy, with the new Amazon's Choice Badge

Fully optimised listing, right down to the EBC Aplus content

Client Feedback: